Work Permit Medicals

Work permit medicals performed by a registered medical practitioner are a mandatory component of permit work permit applications in Cayman and temporary ones with a duration greater than 3 months. The requirements laid down by Immigration are as follows:

  • 1. Medical examinations are required with the initial work permit application. The Medical examinations are valid for three (3) years.
  • 2. Laboratory tests have to be repeated with each medical examination. The Laboratory Reports are valid for six (6) months.
  • 3. Chest X-rays are required with the initial work permit application. Chest X-rays are valid for five (5) years.
  • 4. Laboratory Reports have to be attached for HIV and VDRL tests.

Dr Francisco Martinez

Dr Francisco Martinez

Family Physician & General Practitioner
Medical Doctor Degree from Complutense University Madrid, Spain

Family Physician (General Practitioner)

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